Drione Dust - Questions & Answers

Displaying 61 to 67 (of 67 questions)
  • Asked by Peter from Galliano, La
    Would any honey found in wild hives that have been treated with Drione Dust be good for human consumption?
    I have a neighbor who had an exterminator spray a few honey bee nest in her barn with Drione dust about 7-9 months ago. The bees are still active. I am considering going remove the bees and put them in hives. Do I need to destroy all honey and comb as I remove the bees?

    We cannot recommend that honey be collected and consumed from a bee hive where Drione Dust was used since this product is not labeled for use on any kind of edible plants, animals, or animal products. 

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  • Asked by Jung from Bellevue
    Will Drione Dust kill carpet beetles?
    Many Carpet Beetles in my home.

    Drione Dust  is not labeled for carpet beetles. For indoor carpet beetle control you may want to consider a product such as Nyguard Plus. This product contains an insecticide to kill the roaming adults and an insect growth regulator to stop the harder to kill immature beetles from reaching a reproductive state which in turn will break the cycle of infestation. As an added bonus this product also contains a deodorizer for carpet applications. Please take a few minutes to read our How to Control Carpet Beetles article for an in depth explanation of how to control this pest. 

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  • Asked by B.brew from Ilion,ny
    how well does the bee drilling kitswork in NY you sell ?bil
    Drione dust works terrific in treating bees. With the application of Drione dust in the holes, the adult bees will pick up the dust and transfer it into the holes to the larvae.
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  • Asked by Russ from Tucson Az
    Can you apply Drione through the toilet to treat septic systems of roaches?
    Drione Dust is not labled to be used in toilets, drains, sinks, or septic systems.
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  • Asked by Dave from Vernon, Ct
    I have wasp nest in outside vent that goes to my bathroom exhaust fan. Can I use Drione Dust on the outside vent?

     Drione Dust will work great for this, along with a B&G 1150 Bulb Duster.  At night after dusk when the bee activity is minimal, dust the area where they are flying in, coating the entry point.   When the bees fly in and out in the morning they will get the dust on their bodies and bring it back into the nest.  The bees will pass the dust around and usually within 24 - 48 hours (depending on colony size) the colony should be dead. 

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  • Asked by P from Rainier, Wa
    Is Drione Dust being manufactured anymore?
    Yes, we sell Drione Dust in one and seven pound pails with free standard shipping.
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  • Asked by Catherine from Kansas
    I would like to use Drione Dust in my attic. However, I have an attic or "whole house" fan. Can it be used there? If so, how far from the fan.
    Drione Dust should not be broadcast over the entire attic. Instead you should concentrate on dusting the cracks, crevices and voids and other areas where these insects harbor. If you have vents that blow air through the attic and into the home caution should be used to take care the dust is not blown through the vents.
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Displaying 61 to 67 (of 67 questions)