Yes, you can apply Boric Acid with the Dustin Mizer.
? The ?Delta Dust would be an excellent option to use with the B&G Electric Duster for attics, crawlspaces or other large areas. It covers all the insects you mentioned you are looking to control and many others, and is water proof so in protected areas like crawl spaces it will provide a good residual.
While we do not sell tracking powders, the Dustin Mizer can be used with this type of product. However, these powders usually are not applied as a broadcast like this unit is designed to do. They are meant to be used in very small amounts; for example, a teaspoon amount in bait stations, rodent runways, burrows, or wall voids.
While we do not sell tracking powders, the Dustin Mizer can be used with this type of product. However, these powders usually are not applied as a broadcast like this unit is designed to do. They are meant to be used in very small amounts; for example, a teaspoon amount in bait stations, rodent runways, burrows, or wall voids.
The Dustin Mizer is for use outside and in large areas like attics and crawl spaces. It would not be used inside homes. Instead you should use on the handheld bellow dusters here.
To locate the gears, you will remove the handle & gear cover. Apply a soft, multi-purpose grease to each gearshaft (no spray). You can reference the manual here. Dustin Mizer states they include non-corrosive and chemically inert parts that can withstand ozone and sunshine. If you feel a replacement is needed, then you can reach Earthduster, the manufacturer of the Dustin Mizer, by phone or email: 479-527-9062. [email protected] for replacement parts.