Eco Exempt MC Misting Concentrate is
labeled to be used in automatic misting machines only. We recommend using
Riptide. Pets and people should be out of the area while the application is being made, and then they can return to the area as soon as the application is dry. According to the
Riptide product label, "To control accessible stages of listed flying insects in listed outdoor areas. If possible, space spray application should be made in the evening or early morning when mosquitoes are typically most active. With a ULV spraying device, spray at a dosage rate of 5 fluid ounces of undiluted concentrate per minute.
TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF ANNOYANCE from: Flies, Mosquitoes and Small Flying Moths. The
aforementioned outdoor ground application will give temporary relief of annoyance from the pests in
listed outdoor areas. Direct application into tall grass, shrubbery and around lawns where these pests
may hover or rest, apply while air is still."