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Juanita from Crystal, Mn writes

Eliminating Persistent Voles

Countless dollars spent to deter voles from my yard, to no avail. Trees, shrubs, et al gone. With neighbors not caring, best I can hope for is something in my yard that is of no interest to them. It's been years of battle. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


One popular method for controlling voles, is to gas them using our popular product called Giant Destroyer which is basically a smoke bomb you set off in the burrow hole of the vole which will kill anything in the burrow.  Another method, is to pour bait down the burrow hole for the vole to eat. Kaput Rat & Mouse Bait is also labeled for voles. Please refer to the article below for helpful tips.  

Answer last updated on: 04/28/2015

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