Unfortunately, the ENTONEM - Live Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) will not take care of the springtail problem. Typically, pesticides alone will not take care of a springtail problem. You will not get complete springtail control until you locate the source of the springtails and correct the conditions that are allowing them to thrive. Please take a few minutes to read our article"How to Get Rid of Springtails" to learn more about springtail elimination.
ENTONEM - Live Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) is only designed to kill the Larvae of Sciarid flies (Sciaridae), Immature Dipterous Insects (Mushroom Flies, Fungus Gnats, Tipulids) and Lepidopterous Larvae. They should not harm other beneficial insects or non-target insects.
Entonem - LIve Nematodes is not labeled to kill white grubs. If you're interested in live nematodes, Orcon Beneficial Nematodes would be the ones to use. With these Beneficial Nematodes you can apply at any time because they will attack wintering adult insects, diapausing larvae, pupae, and grubs when in the soil, bark, or even ground litter. You also have the option of using Merit Granules to treat before the white grub eggs hatch, for this method of treatment it is best to check with your local cooperative extension office to check for best time of application.
ENTONEM - Live Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) is only designed to kill the Larvae of Sciarid flies (Sciaridae), Immature Dipterous Insects (Mushroom Flies, Fungus Gnats, Tipulids) and Lepidopterous Larvae. They should not harm other beneficial insects or non-target insects.
Due to the ENTONEM - Live Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) being biological they should be safe for pets. However, you are welcome to reach out the manufacturer for more information.