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Anonymous from Ny Ny writes

Even though it doesn't say it kills bedbugs why is it that most insecticides have Permethin as the ingredient?


None of the insecticide concentrates that we recommend for bed bug control contain permethin as the ingredient or inert ingredients. We are unsure of where you have received this information but if you look at our Bed Bug Concentrates you can see the ingredients in each listed on every product page. You may see in our Bedlam Aerosol the ingredient permethrin as this formulation of the product mixed with its inert ingredients will work on bed bugs. Permethrin SFR has a completely different base and is formulated to be used on surfaces that will not contact skin for prolonged periods of time. While the active ingredient is the same the carrier is different and using Permethrin SFR on bedding like the Bedlam for bed bug control could lead to illness and skin irritations. You may be seeing that the ingredients in the bed bug products are Pyrethroids, which is a man made version of Pyrethrin which is the all natural ingredient derived from the crysanthymum plant. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Answer last updated on: 07/22/2013

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Permethrin SFR 36.8%

Permethrin SFR 36.8%

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