By John on 02/25/2016
Even with temperatures bottoming out nightly in the thirties Central Texas lawns are becoming Weed infested and growth is evidently accelerated by daytime above average warmth. I have an established Bermuda lawn about a year old. Located in the limestone rocky soil of Central Texas I decided to experiment control via the pre-emergent Weed & Feed. Existing weeds were primarily Spurge family mixed with a variety of other broadleaf species beyond description intertwined with numerous grasses attempting footholds in the dormant Bermuda. I physically removed, roots and all, all the visible examples, then applied the Fertilome according to bag instructions, actually weighing the amounts applied by the Scotts Turf Builder spreader for proper coverage. Application was during a month plus of drought. So After application in the first week of February I ran the sprinkler system long enough to get an inch and a half of rain equivalent. After two weeks a healthy thick crop of broadleaf and scattered crabgrass resurfaced to my disappointment. No suppression was seen, at all. This explosion of growth appeared after a considerable rain shower had occurred. Since this product is not really "cheap", I would not use it again. The " Dimension " is either ineffective or difficult to solubilize.
Expert response:
It is important to remember that the plants were already actively growing in your area. Even hand picking out the plants you can see will not stop seeds that have already germinated from sprouting. We believe that is what happened in your case. Once you see the undesirable weed species you will need to use a post emergent selective herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides should only be used before the weeds species has been spotted that year. Please let us know if you need help selecting a product better suited to your needs. We are always happy to help! 866-581-7378
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Kept my lawn weed free almost two years
By Opal on 04/17/2016
I put this down the first year I moved into a house here in northern viriginia. My grass looked better than it had in the previous 3-4 years per the neighbors. They had pets - but not in the first two years. The back yard had many bare patches and long stretches of no vegetation due to pit bulls living back there. After planting new grass, waiting for it to grow - getting some weeds and then putting this down, I had no idea that it worked so well until last year. I had to have major surgery and some workup starting around spring time. Did not have time to put this down - this year: I have chickweed, dandelions, moss, mites, everything. Had no idea it was working so well - until I did not do my maintenance. Will order again and again....
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Effective control
By John on 05/19/2016
This is a very effective lawn food and delivers 'as advertised' crabgrass suppression. My lawn application was easy with a Scotts Turf Builder set to deliver a warm climate concentration as charted on the bag. The product is free flowing and good quality. Crab grass is a big problem here in Central Texas Bermuda lawns. After clearing late stage growth of weeds to a non existent look with post-emergent work,this Fertlome Dimension strategy will assure no new crabgrass over time.
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Super fast Shipping
By Garrett on 03/13/2015
Great Product
By Suzannr on 03/19/2021
Ferti-lome Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food
By Bill on 04/02/2021
Both bags applied easily, but first bag had white spheres and gray irregular pieces. Second bag had both of those and red irregular pieces. Where were the red pieces in the first bag? Hope they are not what contains the Dimension pre-emergent. If they were, then this summer will be a long one of de-weeding parts of my lawn!
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0 of 1 people found this review helpful
By Almedin on 06/09/2023