The breeding sites for these flies are so numerous and varied, it is impossible to eliminate them all. These tiny pests are small enough to crawl through the average window screen and fit through cracks and crevices around windows and door frames.
You can help prevent these flies from entering your home by spraying a barrier application of Talstar P paying special attention to window frames, window screens, door frames, and cracks and crevices that may be used as points of entry. A screen with a very fine mesh (smaller than 16mesh) will help prevent entry. Additionally, it may be helpful to keep ceiling fans and window fans on at high speeds to keep insects out of small areas.
If flies have already entered your home and you need immediate control use Microcare. This product offers a fast knockdown and kill of flying insects, giving you immediate relief.
Ferti-lome Indoor Outdoor Multi-Purpose Spray can be used as an indoor space spray to treat rooms for House Flies, Fruit Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Black Flies, Skipper Flies, Blow Flies and Small Flying Moths. This product is not for individual spray applications to house plants.
Per the product label, close all doors and windows and spray room at the rate of 2 to 3 seconds per 1000 cubic feet. Direct spray to all parts of the room, especially windows and other light sources, which attract these insects. Keep nozzle in constant motion. Re-treat if infestation occurs, but not more than once every two weeks.