Ferti-lome F Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide RTS - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 questions)
  • Asked by Carl from Leona, Tx
    How many ounces of Fertilome F - Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide RTS should be used on a 10 foot x 10 foot area?

    The Fertilome F - Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide RTS  is a RTS spray bottle with 32 oz. content and treats up to 1500 sq. ft.  Since it is pre-measured there is no rate for smaller areas.  You would just set it and go and spray the area you need to treat and will have product left if smaller than the 1500 sqft.

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  • Asked by Jeanne from Albuquerque, New Mexico
    How soon after applying Ferti-lome F Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide RTS can I water my lawn?

    Ferti-lome F Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide RTS is rainfast after 2 hours per the product label

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