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Flea & Tick Treatment for Dogs, Cats, & Other Pets

By DoMyOwn staff

You'll want to use flea and tick topicals to get rid of fleas and ticks on your pets.

 Flea & Tick Treatment for Dogs, Cats, & Other Pets Video Play

Hey I'm Amber with Today I'm going to show you how to get rid of fleas and ticks on your pet. These are the products you'll want to use: a flea and tick topical on your cat or your dog and a spray for your pet's coat to help eliminate fleas and ticks as well.

Now I'm going to show you how to apply these to get rid of fleas and ticks on your pet. If you have fleas or ticks inside your home, your loyal dog or cat may be the reason why. Don't kick them out though...we have the solution to your pet's flea and tick treatment needs. We have with us today one of our loyal pets, Lily. She's going to help us show you the best way to do a treatment on your own pet. It's important if you have pets in the home that you take them to the Vet to get a flea and tick dip the same day you do the treatment or you can use one of our professional products to do the treatment and solve the solution yourself. We recommend Petcor Flea and Tick Spray as a great quick knockdown, and we also recommend the Prefurred Plus flea and tick treatment for ongoing maintenance.

When getting ready to treat your pet, you always want to make sure you have on gloves to protect your skin. When you're using the Petcor you're going to apply one to two pumps with the easy spray bottle to the pet's skin. Us your gloves and use your hands to rub the product into the pet's skin. You'll normally use one to two pumps per pound of the pet that you have. For smaller pets you may want to apply the product onto a towel and then rub the towel on the pet. Petcor will treat fleas, ticks, and lice and kill them on contact, and continue to kill for up to one week.

Repeat weekly as needed to help protect your pet. For long-term control for fleas and ticks on your pets we carry a full line of Prefurred flea and tick protector. This is the same active ingredient as the popular brand fipronil but for a much lower cost. Each box comes with a three month's supply, and you apply it to your pet according to the directions on the box.