John from North Oaks, Minnesota writes
Ferti-Lome 2-N-1 Systemic is labeled for use only on ornamental plants, not for any edibles such as a vegetable garden. For ornamental plants:
Roses: 2 fl. oz. (4 tbsp) in 1 quart of water treats 1 plant
Flower Beds: 2 fl. oz. (4 tbsp) in 2 gallons of water treats 12 sq. ft.
Azaleas, Camellias, Rhododendrons, and other shrubs: 1 fl. oz, (2 tbsp) in 1 quart of water per foot of plant height
Please let us know if you need a recommendation for use on edibles, and - if so - what pest(s) you are targeting.
Answer last updated on: 06/17/2021