GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait will need to be applied to the inner canopy of fruiting plants, to the bottoms of leaves and leaves inside the foliage canopy. The minimum rate is of 1-3 oz per tree, if you're treating one tree, and you can use a rate of 1:1.5 (1 oz of product to 1.5 oz of water). Be sure to read over the label and make sure that the product is labeled for the pest you're treating for.
GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait is applied at 1-3 fl oz in 1.5 gallon of water per bush/tree. Direct spray application to bottoms of leaves and leaves inside the foliage canopy to reduce direct exposure to sun and rain. This product resists wash off, but will lose effectiveness if exposed to rain and overhead irrigation.
Begin applications as soon as monitoring traps indicate flies are present or 2 to 3 weeks before fruit begins to ripen. Repeat applications every 7 to 14 days, shortening the application interval during rainy periods and as fruit ripens. Remove fruit as soon as ripe, particularly any overly ripe fruit on the tree or ground.
GF - 120 NF Naturalye Fruit Fly Bait is sold in a gallon size. You will need to reach out to the manufacturer to see if they have a smaller size. Dow AgroSciences (Corteva) can be reached at 800-258-3033.
If you are spraying the trees individually, the GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait rate per tree is 1-3 oz. This can be mixed with 1-5 gallons of water or whatever it takes to cover the tree. This is also a product that needs to be constantly agitated so you will need a sprayer that can be easily agitated.