GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait

GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait

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Product Overview

GF-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait is a group 5 insecticidal bait that provides an effective solution against nuisance flies. It contains the active ingredient Spinosad which attracts and controls different species of tephritid fruit flies such as Caribbean fruit fly, apple maggot, cherry fruit fly, Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly, Mexican fruit fly, olive fly, oriental fruit fly, walnut husk fly. It is designed to be used on insect-infested areas such as trees, fruits, nuts, vines, vegetables or food crop and ornamentals. Itn is OMRI listed so it is safe for organic gardening. Available in gallon size.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Spinosad - 0.02%
Target pests Tephritid fruit flies including apple maggot, Caribbean fruit fly, cherry fruit fly, Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly, Mexican fruit fly, olive fly, oriental fruit fly, walnut husk fly.
For use in Tree, fruit, nut, vine, vegetable or food crop and ornamentals.
Application When aerially applying use ULV applications but with coarse nozzles that will produce the desired droplet size and target 20 to 80 droplets per square meter. By ground, spot or strip spray several areas on the inner canopy of fruiting plants.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Liquid.
Dimensions 7.00 x 4.80 x 12.00 in.
Special Features OMRI listed.
Shipping Weight 9.00 lbs
Manufacturer Dow AgroSciences



Mixing Directions:

Dilute GF-120 NF, a bait concentrate, with water. The most effective dilution for aerial and most other applications is a 1:1.5 (GF-120 NF:water) dilution (e.g., to make 10 liters of spray solution, add 6 liters of water to 4 liters of GF-120 NF). For ground applications and applications in low relative humidity , dilutions of up to 1:5 (GF-120 NF:water) can be made. First add water (one-half of the volume to be mixed) to the spray tank or premixing tank and start the agitation system. Then add the full amount of GF-120 NF followed by an equal amount of water. If a full container of GF-120 NF is used, triple rinse the empty container by filling it one-third full with water, shake well and add the rinsate to the spray tank. Repeat two more times so the container is triple rinsed and then complete filling the spray tank until the proper dilution is obtained. Maintain constant agitation of the spray solution to ensure uniformity of spray mixture. Allow agitation system to operate for at least 5 minutes before applying. Once diluted, use GF-120 NF within 24 hours. Concentrated GF-120 NF will not settle and does not need to be shaken before mixing.

Application Directions:

Proper application techniques help ensure adequate coverage and correct dosage necessary to obtain optimum control of insect pests. Use a large spray droplet size of 4000 to 6000 µm (4 to 6 mm) to optimize length of bait attractiveness and longevity in the field. Fruit flies can detect the bait from several yards away. When aerially applying use ULV applications but with coarse nozzles that will produce the desired droplet size and target 20 to 80 droplets per square meter. By ground, spot or strip spray several areas on the inner canopy of fruiting plants. Avoid weather conditions that could result in drift to nontarget areas. Direct spray application to bottoms of leaves and leaves inside the foliage canopy to reduce direct exposure to sun and rain. This product resists wash off, but will lose effectiveness if exposed to rain and overhead irrigation. When possible, consider potential for rain or irrigation schedules when planning applications. Begin applications as soon as monitoring traps indicate flies are present or 2 to 3 weeks before fruit begins to ripen. Repeat applications every 7 to 14 days, shortening the application interval during rainy periods and as fruit ripens. Remove fruit as soon as ripe, particularly any overly ripe fruit on the tree or ground.

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What is the minimum dilution of GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait to apply for cherry trees?

GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait will need to be applied to the inner canopy of fruiting plants, to the bottoms of leaves and leaves inside the foliage canopy. The minimum rate is of 1-3 oz per tree, if you're treating one tree, and you can use a rate of 1:1.5 (1 oz of product to 1.5 oz of water). Be sure to read over the label and make sure that the product is labeled for the pest you're treating for.

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How many bushes should I spray and how much GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait should I apply?

I have 200 blueberry bushes 5' apart.


GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait is applied at 1-3 fl oz in 1.5 gallon of water per bush/tree. Direct spray application to bottoms of leaves and leaves inside the foliage canopy to reduce direct exposure to sun and rain. This product resists wash off, but will lose effectiveness if exposed to rain and overhead irrigation.

Begin applications as soon as monitoring traps indicate flies are present or 2 to 3 weeks before fruit begins to ripen. Repeat applications every 7 to 14 days, shortening the application interval during rainy periods and as fruit ripens. Remove fruit as soon as ripe, particularly any overly ripe fruit on the tree or ground.

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Is GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait available in a smaller quantity?

Only treating 5 olive trees so needing no more than a quart.


GF - 120 NF Naturalye Fruit Fly Bait is sold in a gallon size. You will need to reach out to the manufacturer to see if they have a smaller size. Dow AgroSciences (Corteva) can be reached at 800-258-3033.

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What is the application rate of GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait if treating 4 trees? What type of sprayer should be used for the application?

If you are spraying the trees individually, the GF - 120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait rate per tree is 1-3 oz. This can be mixed with 1-5 gallons of water or whatever it takes to cover the tree. This is also a product that needs to be constantly agitated so you will need a sprayer that can be easily agitated.

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