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Lise from Santa Rosa writes

Has the Cimexa Dust label been revised? Is it labeled to treat for Carpet Beetles?


Yes, CimeXa Insecticide Dust is labeled for Carpet Beetles. You can refer to the product label for full instructions. "Stored Product (Pantry and Fabric/Clothes) Beetles and Moths: Treat cracks, crevices and along the edges of cupboards, closets, pantries, shelving units and storage. Treat voids beneath drawer units by removing the lower drawers and treating the well. Treat the voids beneath shelving units or cabinets by removing the kickplate or drilling small access holes in the kickplate. Treat under rugs and along the edges of carpets and baseboards and other infested areas to control carpet beetles."

Answer last updated on: 04/11/2018

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CimeXa Insecticide Dust

CimeXa Insecticide Dust

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