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Mark from Lansdale, Pa writes

I have a large lawn - about 50,000 square feet. Can SedgeHammer Herbicide be used on a hose end sprayer and, if so, how?


A hose end sprayer would not be the best applicator for a water dispersible granule like Sedgehammer. It is important to make sure the correct amount of product goes over a specific area and hose end sprayers are not known to be very accurate. You will need to mix 0.9 gram of Sedgehammer (using the measuring scoop provided) in one or two gallons of water to treat 1000 square feet. Add 2 teaspoons (1/3 fluid ounce) of nonionic surfactant per gallon of water. Ensure the product is measured as a level scoop and not rounded.

Answer last updated on: 08/11/2011

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SedgeHammer Plus Herbicide

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