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Gary writes

Have little black bugs so small you can just barely see them, I've tried talstar but they are still showing up?

these bugs are so small if they are not on a light colored background you can't see them. they are in my daughters bathroom, talstar mixed strong doesn't seem to stop them. do you have any idea?


What you are describing sounds like springtails.  They are common in bathrooms and kitchens because they can breed under the slab and follow plumbing pipes and drains into your house.  You should google springtails and see if this is your issue.  If it is, Talstar Liquid is considered one of the best treatments for springtails to control them, but honestly you will not get rid of the problem no matter how many products you use if you cannot find the source.  The whole key to getting rid of springtails is their breeding source.  You have to find it.  Usually they breed under the slab and enter the home through small cracks.  Unfortunately when they breed under the slab the product you apply on top of the ground like Talstar will not make it to them.  The slab has to dry out and you have to do whatever you can to prevent moisture from getting under the slab.  Usually springtails are breeding because of too much mulch around the house, grade against the house is not going away from the house and water puddles up, downspouts are not going away from the house, etc.   Getting rid of springtails is a moisture management issue usually and not something that pesticides can get rid of alone.

Answer last updated on: 07/26/2011

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