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Ross from Boynton Beach, Fl writes

I have a Live Oak which has a black substance oozing out of the trunk 4 feet above ground.

This substance appears hard; is not sticky, has been there for years; does not seem to change nor increase in amount. I was told this is a fungus and that I need to apply Copper to the ground around the base of the tree. The tree is quite large - 40' to 50' tall; a span of 60'; with a 6' diameter trunk. I purchased Liquid Copper Fungicide. I need some guidance on how much to apply and where?


Liquid Copper Fungicide is applied at the rate of 2 oz per gallon for applications to Live Oak for Ball Moss per the product label. Without knowing exactly what you are treating, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer for specific rates for the application. You can also get an identification from a Master Gardener at your cooperative extension office. Southern Ag 941-722-3285

Answer last updated on: 05/11/2015

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