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Lisa writes

Have "sawdust" looking particles on floor under a ceiling beam, along with ants. Not termites. What is best?

These are definitely not termites. A couple of years ago had the same problem and bought some crack and crevice spray and that seemed to take care of it. Ordered the Invader spray from you and received and used it yesterday. Wondering if this is the best products for ant infestation. Not sure what kind of ants these are and I don't see a lot of them. They look like regular black ants. I had an issue with flying ants a few months ago. My husband thinks the "sawdust" looks like insulation.


You have carpenter ants. Carpenter ants leave sawdust piles and there will usually be small black pieces in the saw dust which is actually dead ant parts.  This means you have a carpenter ant nest in your ceiling.  Carpenter ants typically nest where you have had moisture damage, maybe from a roof leak in the past.  To treat this area you need to find where the hole is they are kicking out the sawdust and treat that area directly, or you can use our carpenter ant kit which is a food and at night when they are most active the ants will eat the bait, take it back to their colony, and it will kill the colony at the source.

Answer last updated on: 07/20/2011

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