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Richard from Nazareth, Pa writes

Have Silverfish from attic to basement, and have 5 cats. What to use?

Have boxes of paper files. Need help.


Please review our Silverfish Control page. We recommend since you have cats to use a product like Suspend SC. Suspend SC leaves a clear residual on surfaces that keeps on killing pests for up to 3 months. You can use this product indoors along cracks and crevices and outdoors 2-3 feet up and out all the way around the perimeter of the structure. This product is safe for people and pets to be around after it has dried. For your attic, a lot of folks like to use the Dekko Silverfish Traps.

Answer last updated on: 09/03/2013

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Dekko Silverfish Packs

Dekko Silverfish Packs

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