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Elsa from Orlando writes

Hello. Treating St. Augustine for several fungal issues - dollar spot, brown patch, grey leaf spot, possible a

Hello. Treating St. Augustine for several fungal issues - dollar spot, brown patch, grey leaf spot, possible anthracnose, likely helminthosporium leaf spot, how much Clearys Protect DF per gallon for placement in 2 gallon sprayer? Also, after reading label when your shipment arrived today, would I follow recommendation of adding 1 gallon of water into spray container, then correct amount of Protect DF, then the second gallon of water? Thank you for your assistance.


Yes, Per the product label for dollar spot, brown patch, grey leaf spot, and other diseases,  Clearys Protect DF: Apply 1.0 to 2.0 lb. PROTECT DF per 100 gallons of water (2-4 oz/1,000 sq ft/gallon of water) in full coverage sprays. To improve performance, add 2-4 oz. of an effective spreader-sticker, such as Cleary's Clearspray, per 100 gallons of spray

The per gallon rate would be 0.16 oz to 0.32 oz per gallon. You can view complete application instructions for Protect DF on the product label.

Thank you, 

Answer last updated on: 09/20/2021

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Protect DF Fungicide

Protect DF Fungicide

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