Product Q&A

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Chatarra from Abbeville, Louisiana writes

How dangerous to humans is the treatment with Ferti-lome Triple Action?

There is no avoiding breathing in and getting at least some mist or particulate on your clothes and skin. No matter how careful, even a miniscule amount will be carried back by the wind no matter what direction. Do I need to shower and wash my clothes every time I spray my plants?


Ferti-lome Triple Action should only be applied on a non windy day to avoid drift.  The product is safe when used as directed and if skin contact made be sure to wash thoroughly.  The small amount of active the product contains is not enough to harm people unless you are drinking the actual product.  You can also wear a N95 mask or respirator if you feel safer to avoid any possible inhalation.

Answer last updated on: 09/15/2021

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Ferti-lome Triple Action

Ferti-lome Triple Action

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