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Patty from Plymouth Meeting writes

How do I apply Orcon Fungus Gnat Control (FG-R7M)?

fungus gnat problem, broken drain line was fixed but still have gnats. When I put down this product do I dig holes first around the perimeter of my house ? Just pour on grass ? My house is on a slab and is 50 years old so I know I have cracks in the foundation.


With the Orcon Fungus Gnat Control, you will pour the entire contents of the container into a bucket of cool water. The amount of water is not important. The more water you use, the less concentrated the nematodes will be, but it will cover a larger area. After this, you will stir and let stand for 20 to 30 minutes to allow the nematodes to separate from the packing material. You will not need to dig a hole, just pour over the areas where there is activity. If you are using a watering can, stir and pour a portion of the Beneficial Nematodes liquid into the watering can and add more water, then water pats or affected soil. If adding to an irrigation system strain out any of the packing material and remove any fine filters to allow the Beneficial Nematodes to travel through the system. To use as a top dress or for planting simply mix Beneficial Nematodes liquid with your potting mix.

Answer last updated on: 08/21/2016

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