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Malhing from Madhya Pradesh writes

How do I control Amar Bel?

Amarbel (in Hindi it is called Amarbel ) is very tine cripper which climbs on the plants for its survival. Kindly guide us us to control it. THis cripper generminates now. I had cultivated'Alsi". This crop is trapped by Amarbel.


Amar Bel or Cuscuta is a creeping, parasitic vine that can be very troublesome. Once established, this vine can be very difficult to control. If possible, you should cut the vine down as much as possible, then you could treat the ends with a brush killer full strength such as Fertilome Brush and Stump Killer to prevent regrowth. Otherwise, cut the affected (desirable) plants down a few inches below the point where the Amar Bel tendrils have covered the plant. If the attacked plants are completely covered, you may need to remove and destroy them. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any pre-emergent herbicides to prevent this weed. You may need to speak to a local Master Gardner for a recommendation. Keep in mind that we can only ship within the US.

Answer last updated on: 10/25/2017

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