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Sf from Duluth, Ga writes

How do I control a Doveweed problem in Bermuda grass?

My lawn is Bermuda grass and the lawn size is about 3500 Sq Feet. What is your recommendation for a cost effective (preferably generic) recommendation that will address the DoveWeed problem? if you can please advise on a: 1)Pre emergent? 2)Post emergent?


The product we recommend for post-emergent control of doveweed is Blindside Herbicide. It is labeled for various other weeds as well. The mixing ratio is 0.15 to 0.23 oz. per gallon of water. This will generally treat 1000 square feet. For pre-emergent control of doveweed, we would recommend using FreeHand 1.75G Herbicide. It is labeled for use on bermudagrass and controls various grasses and broadleaf weeds. The mixing ratio is 2.3 lbs. per 1000 square feet.  There are not very many products that are specifically labeled for this particular weed. We would recommend using the pre-emergent product now when the soil temperature is above 55 degrees. The post emergent can be used if you were unable to control the doveweed in the Spring.

Answer last updated on: 03/22/2016

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