John from Ormond Beach, Fl writes
Just ready to lay 7000 sq ft of new floratam st Augustine sod in Ormond Beach , Fl. Noticed mole tunnels beginning to develop over last few weeks. Need to get rid if them, and then keep them out.
There are many different ways to treat for moles. Please check out our Mole Control Page. One of the more effective means of mole control is using Talpirid Bait. One Talprid mole bait worm contains a lethal dose and can kill in 24 hours. When you have mold activity in your yard it can in part be due to a plentiful food supply. Moles will feed on grubs, worms and other similar insects living in your turf. Many people in conjunction with using products designed to either trap, kill, or repel moles, will use a product like Dylox to kill the grubs and insects the moles are feeding on. By removing their food source it helps deter them from your yard. For full information on how to eradicate moles from your residence, see our section on Mole Control.
Answer last updated on: 08/07/2014