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Drew from Frisco, Tx writes

How do I kill Fescue in Bermuda grass?

I am in Texas and have patches of dark green coarse fescue growing in my Bermuda lawn. What is the best product to eliminate this?


The only product we are currently aware of that will do this daunting task is a Bayer product called Tribute Total. Tribute will remove the fescue from your lawn, as well as other grassy and broad leaf weeds including crabgrass, that may be a problem for you. We do not currently have it set up on our website for purchase as many of our customers will use a RoundUp type product and spot spray troublesome areas and reseed or re-sod with the desired turf. If you are interested in the Tribute it comes in a 6 ounce bottle of water dispersable granules for $443.00 with FREE shipping. The 6 ounce bottle will cover between 2-4 acres depending on the rate used for application. The Tribute comes with its own measuring scoop to ensure accuracy of application to your yard. If you are interested in purchasing this product, let us know and we would be more than happy to se it up for you. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 03/31/2014

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