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Bill from Ok writes

How do the trenching instructions change for the case where the top of the foundation footer is only 4 inches

Below grade? Also, the top of the shallow footer extends out from the house about 12 inches. So, following the standard instructions, I'd be pouring the liquid entirely on top of concrete!


If the footer is right below the dirt level, within 6 inches, and it comes out 12 inches, then you should make your trench out where the footer ends.  In other words, instead of digging a 6 inch trench directly against the structure, you will move the trench away from the house where you can dig down past the footer.  You should still treat the soil in between the trench and the house (where the soil sits on top of the footer) by just drenching the soil if you can. 

Answer last updated on: 12/26/2013

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