Anthony writes
There is a deck in the back of my house therefore I cannot trench. The front of the house is cement and I cannot drill, but I am able to crawl inside under the house. Can I just spray dominion around the concrete block of my house and let it drip down to the soil, or can I just spray on the wood bolt to the concert block since I saw tunnel from the soil up the block to the wood?
Dominion 2L and all other termiticides have to go into the ground by digging a trench or by drilling holes. Dominion 2L will not last on wood or concrete, so it does not good to just spray it on these surfaces. Also, spraying on top of the soil does not work because termites do not walk on top of the ground, they enter a home from under the ground. Are the boards in the back of your house running parallel to the house? If so, you can remove two rows and trench and then replace them. You should dig a trench in the crawl space and place the product in the trench and also trench and treat around the piers. However, most termites enter the home from the outside perimeter, so you can very likely get termites from the outside if you do not do some sort of treatment outside.
Answer last updated on: 11/18/2010