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Anonymous writes

How do you get rid of Chinese Cockroaches?

We lived in the suburbs of North. Los Angeles. They are in our yard, streets, sidewalks, lawn, they are large and horrible. My husband has sprayed with bug killer in the surrounding areas of the house. The perimeter of the outside concrete walls at night in the morning he finds them dead. Then more come, so he is now using diozon to kill them, but they keep coming. We are not the only ones that have this problem. They are coming out the main sewer system. Is this a City problem? Your answer on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you


I would recommend spraying Demand CS. It is an amazing general insecticide that can be broadcasted across your lawn. This product can also be used inside as well along the baseboards of your home and in cracks and crevices. Roaches do need water to survive so it's possible they live underground. I would call the Cooperative Extension in your area to find out for sure.

Answer last updated on: 06/10/2014

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Demand CS Insecticide

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