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Sue from Damascus, Md writes

How do you know when it's safe to plug a wall void after using Tempo 1% dust for yellow jackets?

I applied Tempo dust with a bulb duster to the exterior of my home where they were entering though a void in the siding. The next day I found 2 yellow jackets in my home that presumably entered through former curtain rod holes. 1 dead, the other dying. So, I applied Tempo dust inside my home to the only holes I could find which were old curtain rod anchor holes. I never heard any activity in the wall. If I don't see any more entering the exterior of my home, can I safely plug both sets of holes? I fear them just continuing to live in the walls. How do I know the gueen is dead? I have not found any dead yellow jackets on the exterior of my home. Where are they? Do I need to find and remove the nest?


When treating for yellow jackets and using Tempo 1% Dust,  the yellow jacket colony will remain active for only one summer, after which the queens will move away to start up new colonies. The remaining yellow jackets will die at the end of the season, and the nest will not get reused. So during the meantime while they are active the Tempo 1% Dust that you have applied should kill the ones that are in the void that you have placed it in. That does not necessarily mean that there is a nest in that particular void. The nest could be elsewhere, and they could be foraging for food or these could just be the remaining yellow jackets that are left behind after the queens have left already. 

Answer last updated on: 08/16/2016

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