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Bob writes

How does Bifen IT compare to Bifen XTS and Permethrin for mosquito control?


Bifen I/T is our most popular choice for mosquito control.  The Bifen XTS is the same product, just in a higher concentration.  For mosquito control you do not need the higher concentration, it is not necessary.  Bifen I/T would also be a better solution then permethrin because permethrin breaks down quicker in sunlight and the Bifen I/T only needs to be applied every 30 days whereas permethrin would need to be applied every two weeks.  The most important thing to remember when treating for mosquitoes is that they hang out on the underside of leaves and shrubs.  You should treat all shrubs, bushes and trees around the outside patio or wherever you hang out at around the house.  You should also treat the tree line in your yard near the forest if one exists.  Remember to not only treat the main bush or shrub but also the underside of the leaves. 

Answer last updated on: 05/23/2010

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