Product Q&A

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Lemieux2004 from Chicago, Illinois writes

How does the B&G Long Reach Dust-r work? Does it have a battery, electric, physical, what?

How does it work? There are more details for something that costs $30...don't be lazy, put the details.


The B&G Long Reach Dust-r is a hand pump duster. You will put the dust in the container and pump the dust at the opposite end. It is not battery or electric powered. The duster is 28" long and holds between 1 lb and 1.5 lbs. of dust. The dust becomes electro statically charged for ready adherence to vertical and upside down surfaces as it is dispensed from duster. There is a 12" extension tube with a 90° offset at end. This is great for perimeter granular broadcast and hard to reach areas. It includes various extensions and tips for voids and C&C. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Answer last updated on: 08/31/2014

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