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Tye from Amherst, Ny writes

How does Vole Scram Professional help to control vole infestation? I need a product to keep the voles out of my property

My property is next to an agricultural field.


Vole Scram Professional makes tunnels and soil smell bad to voles, and also makes vegetation (roots, foliage, stems, seeds, tubers and bulbs) taste bad to the voles. Vole Scram changes the voles' normal environment to drive them out of infested garden beds, lawns, and turf. This product contains natural ingredients that are formulated to coat a voles’ food source with a bad taste. This product won't harm people or animals and doesn't wash away with the rain. Non toxic and environmentally safe.

Answer last updated on: 03/12/2015

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Vole Scram Professional

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