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Jesse from Beacon, Ny writes

How effective is Delta Dust on cicada killer wasps?

I don't seem to see it doing much but stun them. Over 40 nests. I've used it two days in a row and it hasn't seemed to have an impact.


You can use Delta Dust Insecticide for wasps such as Cicada Killers. Keep in mind that this is a residual dust that may take many hours to kill the insects after they contact it. Since these are solitary wasps, you need to treat each hole you see individually for best results. You do not need to apply every day. Keep in mind, too, that these insects prefer sandy soil that is dry, so for longterm control, you may consider adding mulch or topsoil and keeping the area moist while these insects are active in the summer. If you need something for quick knockdown of flying, stinging insects, then you can use Wasp Freeze for almost immediate knockdown.

Answer last updated on: 08/01/2019

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Delta Dust Insecticide

Delta Dust Insecticide

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