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Katrina from Troutville writes

How frequently can I apply Snapshot 2.5 TG?

I spread Snapshot over a large area today that has lots of weeds. When will I need to apply again? My weeds include Dandelion, wild onions, Thisle, clover & tall grasses. The bank is steep, eroded & difficult to walk on. Dandy's are just blooming now. This bank faces east & has a few evergreens & hardwoods. It's about 100 yds. long & 20 yds. at one end & triples that height at the other end. I use spread rite gravity flow hand spreader. It covers about a 3' spread. Thank you, Katrina


You must wait at least 60 days between Snapshot 2.5 TG applications. You cannot apply more than 600 lbs per acre per year.  

Answer last updated on: 04/09/2019

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