Product Q&A

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Jack from Check writes

How frequently would I have to use the soil drench method to treat my eastern hemlock trees for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid with Criterion 75 WSP Systemic Insecticide?

How soon after the trees are treated could I expect to see the adelgids begin to die?


Criterion 75 WSP Systemic Insecticide can be used once a year as a soil drench to treat trees for wooly adelgid. How quickly this product starts to work depends on how quickly it is translocated through the trees. This could be a few days on very small trees, or it may be several weeks on larger trees. For this reason, we recommend pairing your systemic insecticide with a topical spray for faster results, such as Bifen IT.

Answer last updated on: 06/03/2019

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