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Sd` from Millstadt, Il writes

How long after applying Trimec do I need to wait to use Tenacity?


Your timing is really going to depend on a lot of factors, such as the weeds you are targeting and if/when you are seeding. We would exercise caution if you are applying multiple herbicides at the same time, especially since Trimec is already a blend of 3 active ingredients. Mixing Trimec and Tenacity would be used only as a spot spray, and we would still do a small jar test before mixing a tank of these as well as testing an inconspicuous area of the lawn for tolerance first. You should only use Tenacity as a broadcast pre-emergent application if you are renovating or overseeding the lawn, and most Trimec products require you to wait 2-4 weeks after application before you can reseed. Please let us know if you have additional questions about your application.

Answer last updated on: 05/06/2019

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Tenacity Herbicide

Tenacity Herbicide

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