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How long does Bora-Care need to kill an active powderpost beetle infestation?

I treated reclaimed oak with Bora-Care and am still seeing dust piles on the wood two weeks later. I used a 1:1 mixing ratio and soaked the lumber. Do I need to apply more than once?


It depends on the thickness of the wood and the moisture content of the wood.  Powder Post Beetles can be very deep into the wood.  Bora-Care can take up to 30 days or more to penetrate all the way through a piece of wood and this will vary depending on how thick the wood is and the moisture content.  So 2 weeks has definitely not been long enough.  You should only need two coats if the wood you were treating was thicker than 8 inches.  You should give it at least another 3 weeks, and even then it could take a little longer if the beetles are all the way in the center of the wood.

Answer last updated on: 05/26/2011

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