Product Q&A

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Joan writes

How long does it take for a house mouse to die from ingesting Liqua-Tox?

How long do I need to leave product out, assuming I don't actually see the mice consume it or happen to find little bodies laying around? How many doses does the mouse have to consume before it dies? If I happen to have a water source nearby, where would I put your product? What are the odds the little critters will consume the poison rather than the water?


Liqua-Tox II is a product that takes advantage of the fact the rodents need moisture to survive.  It works best in a situation where there may not be a moisture source nearby for mice or rats, like an attic or a crawl space.  If there is a water source nearby then Liqua-Tox may not be as effective; you may want to try a bait.  Once consumed, the product will usually kill within a few hours.  A rodent only needs to consume a small amount, this is a single dose poison.  You should remove all signs of droppings so you can monitor if there is still activity.  When you do not see any new droppings or signs of activity then you know the Liqua-Tox II has done its job.

Answer last updated on: 10/14/2009

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