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Jo writes

How long does it take for Termidor SC to work on spot treatments in wood?

Is it safe to stay in a boat treated with injected spot treatments into the effected wood? If Termidor SC only lasts to treat the infestation for six weeks, what should the follow up treatment be in a boat and should I remove the effected wood?


Termidor SC does not penetrate through wood, so you cannot just spray it on wood and expect it to penetrate through to the termites.  You have to drill holes and inject the product directly into the wood.  Termidor SC is very safe and there should be no worries about being in the boat near wood that you treated with Termidor SC.  Termidor SC does not last for a long period of time on wood since it is meant to be placed into the ground.  Most of the time it is not worth the time or trouble to drill holes all over the wood and inject Termidor SC all over the boat if there are not termites there.  Most people just wait and do inspections every so often and only treat when they have an issue.

Answer last updated on: 01/26/2011

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