Product Q&A

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Jen from Baltimore, Md writes

How long does it take from when a bug comes into contact with Talstar until it dies? 1 hour? one day?

does that timeline vary from bug to bug?


How long it takes an insect to die after coming into contact with an area that has been sprayed with Talstar P will depend on several factors. How long has the Talstar P application been in place (the longer it has been there the more degraded it is and the longer it will take an insect to die), age and size of the insect, What species is the insect (insects with piercing sucking mouth parts such as spiders and scorpions take longer to succumb) and How long has the insect sat on the dry deposits of Talstar P. Generally speaking you can expect most insects to die within 24-48 hours of contact.

Answer last updated on: 07/02/2012

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