Product Q&A

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John writes

How long does Premise Foam remain effective when filling voids behind a furred out wall?

Is it only for an immediate solution to eliminate an active termite problem or does it remain effective for a number of years acting as a preventative for future infestations?


Premise Foam is only an immediate solution and is not a wood treatment product that will protect the wood long term.  However, we do sell the most popular wood treatment product on the market and it is called Bora-Care.  It is meant to treat wood only and once applied it will last and protect the wood forever.  It can only be applied to raw, untreated, unpainted wood so you would have to either spray it on a raw piece of wood or inject it through drill holes or the same openings you injected the Premise Foam into.

Answer last updated on: 12/16/2009

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