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Dennis from Saugus Ma writes

How long does Termidor SC take to kill the colony?

I have carpenter ants coming and going into my house from the yard. And dust, traps and bait crystals don't seem to be working. The only thing that kills on contact is the sprays. I don't want to kill the workers if they are the ones bringing the poison into the nest. But I need to get into the nest to do the killing.


The amount of time it will take Termidor SC to eliminate a colony of ants will depend on how large the colony is the begin with. It could take weeks. Termidor SC is a non-repellent insecticide that works with a delayed reaction amd also has a transfer effect. That means that ants cannot tell that the Termidor SC is there and will walk right over it and then pick the product up on their bodies and inadvertently carry it back to the colony, then through normal social interaction the ants spread the Termidor and wipe out the colony.

Answer last updated on: 05/31/2015

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