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Nk from Falls Church Va writes

How long for nutsedge to die when treated with Bonide Sedge Ender?

my lawn has nutsedge and mouse ear chickweed. i spot treated the weeds with bonide sedge ender. how long does it take for the weeds to die?


Whether using the Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate, or other sedge products on the market, it typically takes about 3-6 weeks to see nutsedge die completely, and in some instances with purple nutsedge or well established plants, a second application after 4-6 weeks may be needed to see complete control. In some cases customers can see plant death before this point, but each situation will vary. The chickweed will likely take 1-2 weeks to see results. 

Answer last updated on: 04/08/2021

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Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate

Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate

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