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Angela from Singapore writes

How much adult pesticide per 1 oz Martin's IGR?

I am planning to use 1oz Martin's IGR to 1 gallon of water with the recommended addition of adult pesticide since my flea infestation is pretty horrible. How much of it is needed? Also, when I move my cat, who has fleas, then that means the fleas on him won't get affected by this once he returns back into the house right? Does that mean I have to apply Frontline or the like on him by that time?


The amount of product that you will need to use per 1 oz. of Martins IGR will depend on what insecticide you are using. You should be able to locate the mix rate on the product label. We can also better assist if  we know what the product is. Yes, be sure to keep pets out of treated area until dry and also treat pets with a flea control product like Frontline. You can find more information in our Flea Control Guide.  

Answer last updated on: 08/21/2018

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Martins I.G. Regulator

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