Product Q&A

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Chip from Rockledge Florida writes

How much Dominion per gallon and what other insects does it kill?


You should mix .6 fluid oz. Dominion 2L per gallon of water. The pest that dominion 2L will treat start on page 9 of the product label to name a few: Adelgids
Japanese beetles
Lace bugs
Leaf beetles (including elm and
viburnum leaf beetles)
Leafhoppers (including glassy-
winged sharpshooter)
Sawfly Larvae
Thrips (suppression)
Whiteflies White grub larvae Annual bluegrass
Asiatic garden beetle
Black turfgrass ataenius
Cutworms (suppression)
European chafer European crane fly Green June Beetle Japanese beetle Northern Masked chafer Oriental beetle Phyllophaga spp. Southern masked chafer and other types of pest. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 05/07/2013

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Dominion 2L Termiticide

Dominion 2L Termiticide

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