Product Q&A

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Elizabeth from St. Louis, Mo writes

How much Fung-onil Multi Purpose Fungicide Concentrate should I spray per holly shrub with volutella?

I have 351 sq ft bed with volutella on the holly shrubs, but shrubs don't fill entire 351 sq ft area. The shrubs vary in size from 4×3×3 feet being the largest size, to 1×1×1 ft, the smallest size.


Per the Fung-Onil product label for controlling volutella leaf blight: Apply this product at a rate of 2 ¼ teaspoons per gallon, or 3 Tablespoons (1 ½ fluid ounces) per 4 gallons of water.  Apply enough diluted spray per acre to provide thorough coverage of all plant parts that are intended to be protected from disease, generally ranging from ½ to 3 gallons per 1,000 square feet of garden area. Repeat applications at 7 to 14 day intervals until conditions are no longer favorable for disease. During periods when conditions favor severe disease incidence, generally cloudy or wet weather, apply this product at 7 day intervals. There is a great article by Cornell University here.  It does state heavily infected plants should be removed and destroyed.  

Answer last updated on: 11/27/2017

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