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Thomas writes

How much Merit 75 per gallon of water for shrubs under six feet?


Merit 75 WP is actually not measured by a per gallon mark, but it is calculated based on the diameter of a tree you are treating or the height of the shrubs.  In your case, you need 0.7-1.4 level teaspoons per foot of shrub height diluted into at least 10 gallons of water per 1000 sq ft of ground directed at the root base. If the height of the shrub is 5 ft, then you will need 3.5 - 7 level teaspoons of Merit diluted into at least 10 gallons of water, all directed at the root base. If you have more than 1000 sq ft of ground around the root base, the amount of Merit will stay the same but you will use more water to ensure thorough and even coverage. The amount of Merit (3.5 - 7 teaspoons) is determined by how bad your problem is.  If you have an existing problem now that you have not treated before, you should use the higher concentration of Merit which is the 7 teaspoons.  If you are doing maintenance and do not have a current issue you could use the 3.5 teaspoon amount in 10 gallons of water.

Answer last updated on: 01/11/2010

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