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Valerie from Pequea, Pa writes

How much Quick Silver do I mix per gallon of water?


As with most herbicides the exact volume of water is not very important, you just need to be sure you are getting the correct amount of product on a specific area. In the case of Quicksilver you will need to use 0.021 - 0.154 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft of area. You can apply the specified amount of product in 0.5 to 4.0 gallons (plus specified amount of surfactant) per 1000 sq.ft.. Use higher spray volumes when there is a dense weed population or turfgrass canopy or where uniform coverage is difficult to obtain. For spot treating weeds, other than moss, with hand-held or backpack sprayers mix 0.030 fluid ounces (0.9 milliliters) of this product in one to two gallons of water to treat 1000 square feet. Please refer to the QuickSilver product label for complete usage instructions.

Answer last updated on: 04/15/2012

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QuickSilver T&O Herbicide

QuickSilver T&O Herbicide

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