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Matt writes

How often can Demand G Granules be applied?

I'm dealing with a Springtail problem and have been using Demand G to help treat it. While it has helped, I'm still seeing a decent amount of them. How frequently can I re-apply the granules? Ideally I'd like to do a general lawn treatment once a month from April-August and then perhaps do perimeter treatments on a slightly more frequent basis (every 2 weeks). Is that acceptable, or too much?


Demand G works through a slow-release process, providing continuous control over a period of 4 to 8 weeks. The key to eliminating a springtail population is correcting the moisture issue in or around the home as well as using insecticide products. Please take a look at our guide on How to Get Rid of Springtails for detailed information on treatment. 

Answer last updated on: 06/23/2021

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Demand G Granules

Demand G Granules

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